Go Cubs!

Ok, first let me address the front-runner, fair-weather fan issue. The Cubs are not my team. That honor belongs to another long suffering franchise, the Cleveland Indians. We’ve had our share of heartbreak too: the Collapse last year, the Tragedy of 1997 (2 outs away! The trophy was on our clubhouse steps! Man, it still hurts), not to mention all the really way back in the day stuff (i.e. getting swept by Willie Mays’ underdog Giants in the ’54 Series).

But when I lament that the Tribe hasn’t brought home the crown since 1948, the only fans who have the right to call me a whiner are Cubs Fans. 1908! Now that’s some suffering. Multiple generations living and dying without that championship sweetness.

So North-siders, whata ya say? Can I jump on your train this year? (And could that train be the Red Line? Wow, imagine that!).

Yesterday from a fan in the stands. Pure pandemonium!:

Take a minute to savor yesterday. But don’t dwell on it too long. As you know, the real work is in October.

Go Cubs! My heart clings to you! “All the Way!”: